んoon(ふーん) 2014年結成。バンド名の由来は、感嘆(あるいは無関心)を表す日本語の擬態語「ふーん」から。(発音アクセントは「不運」と同じ。)「ん」は "h" であり、ハープのアウトラインでもある。直観と思いやりをコアコンセプトに、ジャンルを無駄にクロスオーバーさせるより、その境界面に揺蕩うことを重視する。2018年6月に1st EP "Freeway"、2019年6月に2nd EP "Body" をFLAKE SOUNDSよりリリース。GFB`19(つくばロックフェス)、FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '19 ROOKIE A GO-GO、全感覚祭 19といった大型フェスにも出演するなど、精力的に活動している。
In 2014, んoon (hoon [huːn]) started with the instrumentation of harp, bass, and keyboard. The vocalist JC joined in 2016 and became the current form. The origin of the band name comes from the Japanese mimetic word "hoon [huːn]" expressing admiration or indifference. (However, the pronunciation accent is the same as "bad luck" in Japanese.) It adopts the notation in which the first letter of the band name is fitted with a hiragana "ん" similar to a cursive alphabet of "h." Members create sounds and lyrics with their thoughts as they come up. Although they are not particularly conscious of a specific context to a genre, they try to bypass the vernacular sounds of each instrument as much as possible. In the instrumental period, んoon was focusing on an elaborate ensemble inspired by progressive rock and jazz, having an image of meshing cogwheels as a metaphor as each instrument's sounds. However, the flexibility of music exploded in the period of joining the vocalist JC. Her hyper mellow whisper voice gently ties together the severe odd meter and the tricky modulation. んoon sway over different genres rather than cross-mix them. In June 2018, んoon released their first EP" Freeway" on FLAKE SOUNDS. In August, in that year, JC has joined toe's album" The Latest Number." んoon played at venues ranging from underground live houses in Tokyo/ Osaka to festival stages like FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '19 ROOKIE A-GO-GO.
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RT @shuumaibentoe: 明日新潟へtoeで伺いますっ! まだ若干チケット有るみたいなので皆様是非! 2023/3/10 (Fri) GOLDEN PIGS RED STAGE OPEN 19:00 START 19:30 お問い合わせ GOLDE…
RT @hoon_jp: IMAIKE GO NOW 2023 タイムテーブル⚡️ んoon →3/5(SUN)→15:30→TOKUZO YOLOSHIKU🔥